Geplaatst op: 14-01-2021 om 18:00 uur
Laatst gewijzigd op: 18-07-2024 om 16:21 uur

The corona vaccine

The corona vaccine is available in 2024 for people with a high medical risk. They can make an appointment at GGD Kennemerland in Haarlem. The new vaccination round in the fall starts on September 16th.

How to make an appointment?

Have you received a referral for the corona vaccine from your doctor? It’s possible to make an appointment to get the corona vaccine at GGD Kennemerland at the location Zijlweg 200 in Haarlem. You can make the appointment by contacting us via 023 - 789 16 31.

Corona vaccine for children and youngsters

Only children and youngsters who have a very increased risk of becoming seriously ill due to corona can get the corona vaccine only with a referral from their pediatrician. An appointment for this can be made via the GGD. Call 023-789 16 31 for more information (available Monday to Friday between 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM and 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM).

Vaccination in the fall of 2024

On September 16th a new vaccination round against corona will commence. This round is intended for individuals aged 60 and above, those who receive an annual invitation for the flu shot, and healthcare workers. The vaccionation round stops on December the 6th.


Testing for corona is no longer necessary, inluding doing a self-test. If you have symptoms of corona, you can decide to test yourself with a corona self-test. Please follow the general advice to prevent respiratory infections.

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